
I have over twenty years experience working in film and television as film sculptor.

When I was twenty-five I went to live in Canada. I settled in Toronto and got a job as a prosthetics sculptor for a makeup artist (Gord Smith, on the production of “Born on the fourth of July). In 1993 I was offered a job working for Complexions, a prestigious private makeup school. I taught students how to model prosthetic appliances, and create them in foam latex. I then worked at the Animation House making stop-frame animation puppets for commercials, and sculpting for the film. I became aware that Vancouver was attracting more film production than Toronto, so in 1994 I moved to the city. I soon found work as a sculptor. I became a fully-fledged film sculptor. I also worked as a teacher at the Vancouver Institute of Media Arts, I taught students who were studying computer animation, how to create imaginary figures on a wire armature with Plasticine. I continued to teach the course for three years, when I was between jobs I continued producing my own work. I made portraits from photographs, as well classical nudes, and caricatures.

I have made a 15-minute film, Peter Salmon, Modelling people in clay that is on you tube that demonstrates my approach to putting character into my sculpted figures. Which can be viewed on my website.

Sculpting Sets For Motion Picture Industry

2011. 47 Ronan feature film. Worked as a plasterer. Built Rock steps and walls for ancient Japanese palace

2008 Millennium Dinosaur. Sculpting Dinosaurs for museums. Constructed fifteen foot Tyranasourus

2008. Statue Mannequins. Modelling figures from life models in clay and then moulding them in plaster and casting them in plaster.

1997. Elemental Design. Sculpted James Bond themed items such as a Great white sharks out of poly foam for Selfridges Christmas window decoration.

1992. Complexions makeup school. Taught prosthetic appliance modelling and casting and custom teeth making.

1991. Animation house. Modelled and molded puppets Oreo cookies for stop- frame animation commercials.

1988. FX Smith. Sculpting spfx make up appliances for “Born on the Fourth of July.

Film experience

2010. Red Riding Hood. (Feature film) reconstructed medieval village inside sound stage out of polyfoam.

2010. Treasure Buddies. (Feature film) sculpted animals and made puppets.

2009. Charlie St Cloud. (Feature film) built an artificial island surrounded by water for a live action ship wreck scene in a sound stage.

2009. Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. (Feature film). Reproduced a section of the British Museum and sculpted replicas of the statues, including a twenty seven foot Athena out of poly-foam.

2007. Vancouver Institute of Media Arts. Teaching figure modelling during term time to computer animation students until 2010.

2007. Edison and Leo. (Stop frame animation feature film) made stop frame puppets and miniature sets.

2006. Fantastic Four. (Feature film) Reconstructed a section of the South bank in London. Rococo lamp standards, ornate Victorian features. Breakaway figures. (fiberglass and polyfoam)

2005. Reign of Fire. (Feature film) Sculpted life size dragon out of poly-foam.

2005. Dungeon Siege. (Feature film) Produced out of fiberglass wearable Viking amour as well as stunt weaponry

2005. Final Destination3. (Feature film) Sculpted sixteen foot devil out of poly-foam for a fairground set.

2003. Underworld 2. (Feature film) Sculpted vampires lair and gothic set adornments in poly-foam and cast plaster architectural features.

2004. Muppets Go to Oz. (Feature film) Sculpted gargoyles and constructed set containing “the yellow brick road” out of poly-foam.

2004. Electra. (Feature film) Worked with Special effects. Designing and constructing Twenty-five foot realistic hydraulically collapsing and self righting tree for stunt team.

2003. Chronicles of Riddick. (Feature film) Constructed vast planet-scope out of poly-foam. The set was a quarter of a kilometer long and looked like a red version of the Grand Canyon.

2002. Santa Clause 2. (Feature film) Built large candy-canes out of poly-foam. Created mosaics out of broken plaster sheets and pieced together. Modelled reindeer heads out of wet clay and cast them in fiberglass.

2000. Cats and Dogs. (Feature film) Made 6000 4’ foam mice, the original of which I modelled. We made ninja gear for cats and a fiberglass rocket car. Foam carved statues.

2000. Sixth day. (Feature film) Sculpted big animals for big “Repet set” out of poly-foam.

1996. Outer Limits. (TV show.) Sculpted and produced exploding human heads for the SPFX department. (transparent breakaway glass)

1996. Mc Donald’s .(Commercial ) Created prehistoric chicken puppet for stop frame animation.

1996. Deep Rising. (Feature film) Built life-size poly-foam lifeboats for doomed ocean liner.

1995.’ X Files’. Modeled, sculpted and cast in latex foam prosthetic appliances for actors.

1994. Glenorky. (Feature film) Built breakaway sand-castle, and worked on the construction of a lockless monster creature.

1994. The Horseman. (Feature film) Prop building. Rubber stunt guns, knives and a bronze cane handle of a skull.

1994. Hawkeye. (TV show) Molded and cast multiples of rubber stunt muskets rifles and knives out of urethane rubber.

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